
Assembling and refining this collection has been an ever-growing project over the last three years.

Thank you to each of the artists who contributed illustrations to this effort, and to those who posted their creations online under licenses that allowed them to be collected here. Their names are catalogued in the Sources section, and this collection would not exist without them.

I am very grateful to the Pennsic Traceable Art project, led by Ailis Linne, which provided the inspiration for this collection, and was initially the primary source of material. A special thanks to Þórý Veðardóttir for recruiting me to work on updating that resource, and for providing feedback during the first year.

Many thanks to the heralds of the SCA for the years of research and the reference material which informed this work. Notable among these is Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme, creator of the Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry, aka the “PicDic,” a truly invaluable resource.

Particular thanks for the helpful feedback received from Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Kryss Kostarev, Muirenn ingen Dúnadaig, Tanczos Istvan, Thóra Róarsdóttir, Yehuda ben Moshe, and the members of the SCA Heraldry Unofficial Chat group on Facebook.

My sincere appreciation to folks who have contacted me with corrections, including Basil Dragonstrike, Konrad Mailander, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, Amy Hanson, Alexandre Saint Pierre, and Cormac Mór.

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin

Editor, Book of Traceable Heraldic Art
mka Matthew Simon Ryan Cavalletto
New York City, Spring 2020