# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z

Alphabetical Index




























Abacus: 0 Illustrations.

Acanthus: 0 Illustrations.

Acorn: 0 Illustrations.

Adze: 0 Illustrations.

Alerion: 0 Illustrations.

Allocamelus: 0 Illustrations.

Almond: A nut grown on trees originating in Iran and popular throughout the old world. Found in French armory, where it is blazoned an ottelle, and most often found in groups of four, curved ends to center. 0 Illustrations.

Aloe Vera: 0 Illustrations.

Alphyn: 0 Illustrations.

Altar: A location for religious ceremonies. The flame may have a different tincture, blazoned "an altar tincture enflamed tincture." 0 Illustrations.

Amphora: 0 Illustrations.

Anchor: A heavy weight used to halt a ship's motion. 0 Illustrations.

Andiron: 0 Illustrations.

Angel: A supernatural being with the form of a winged human. 0 Illustrations.

Angled: 20 Illustrations.

Angles: 0 Illustrations.

Anille: 0 Illustrations.

Ankh: A traditional symbol of ancient Egypt. May be blazoned a "crux ansata." 0 Illustrations.

Annulet: 0 Illustrations.

Anteater: 0 Illustrations.

Antelope: 0 Illustrations.

Anvil: 0 Illustrations.

Apothecary Jar: 0 Illustrations.

Apple: A crispy fruit. 0 Illustrations.

Arch: 0 Illustrations.

Archery Target: An object with circular markings on it used for bow practice. Found in Iberian armory where it is blazoned a "mark." 0 Illustrations.

Ark: A specialized chest for carrying holy relics. 0 Illustrations.

Arm: 0 Illustrations.

Armadillo: 0 Illustrations.

Armillary Sphere: 0 Illustrations.

Armor Stand: 0 Illustrations.

Arrow: 0 Illustrations.

Arrowhead: 0 Illustrations.

Ash: 0 Illustrations.

Aspen: 0 Illustrations.

Aspergillum: 0 Illustrations.

Aspersorium: 0 Illustrations.

Ass: A stubborn smaller cousin of the horse. Known in modern times as a "donkey." 0 Illustrations.

Astrolabe: A tool for measuring the position of celestial bodies. Center section is solid, not colored of the field. 0 Illustrations.

Athanor: A furnace designed to heat alchemical materials. 0 Illustrations.

Attire: 0 Illustrations.

Auger: 0 Illustrations.

Auk: 0 Illustrations.

Awl: 0 Illustrations.

Axe: 0 Illustrations.

Axe-Head: 0 Illustrations.

Axle: 0 Illustrations.

Axle Pin: 0 Illustrations.

Baby Walker: 0 Illustrations.

Badger: A fierce den-dwelling beast. 0 Illustrations.

Bag: 0 Illustrations.

Bag of Madder: 0 Illustrations.

Bagpipe: 0 Illustrations.

Bagwyn: 0 Illustrations.

Balance: A mechanism for comparing weights. 0 Illustrations.

Bamboo: 0 Illustrations.

Banana: 0 Illustrations.

Banner: 0 Illustrations.

Bar: Central ordinary. 6 Illustrations.

Barbel: 0 Illustrations.

Barnacles: 0 Illustrations.

Barrel: 0 Illustrations.

Barry: 26 Illustrations.

Bascule: 0 Illustrations.

Base: 9 Illustrations.

Basilisk: A hybrid monster formed of a two-legged dragon with a rooster's head and a dragon's head on its tail. 0 Illustrations.

Basket: 0 Illustrations.

Bat: 0 Illustrations.

Bathtub: 0 Illustrations.

Baton: Couped ordinary. 2 Illustrations.

Battering Ram: 0 Illustrations.

Battle Axe: 0 Illustrations.

Bauble: 0 Illustrations.

Beacon: 0 Illustrations.

Beaker: 0 Illustrations.

Bean: 0 Illustrations.

Bear: 0 Illustrations.

Beard: 0 Illustrations.

Beaver: An aquatic mammal that builds dams to aid in fishing. 0 Illustrations.

Bee: 0 Illustrations.

Beech: 0 Illustrations.

Beehive: 0 Illustrations.

Bell: 0 Illustrations.

Belladona: 0 Illustrations.

Bellows: 0 Illustrations.

Belt: 0 Illustrations.

Bend: 31 Illustrations.

Bendlet: Central ordinary. 7 Illustrations.

Bendy: Equal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. 23 Illustrations.

Berry: 0 Illustrations.

Besom: A handmade tool for sweeping floors, which we would today call a "broom." 0 Illustrations.

Billet: 0 Illustrations.

Billety: 1 Illustrations.

Billhook: 0 Illustrations.

Birch: 0 Illustrations.

Bird: 0 Illustrations.

Bird-Blunt: 0 Illustrations.

Bison: 0 Illustrations.

Blackberry: 0 Illustrations.

Block Plane: 0 Illustrations.

Boar: 0 Illustrations.

Board: 0 Illustrations.

Boardwalk: 0 Illustrations.

Boat: 0 Illustrations.

Bobbin: 0 Illustrations.

Bog Beast: 0 Illustrations.

Bone: 0 Illustrations.

Book: 0 Illustrations.

Boot: 0 Illustrations.

Borage: 0 Illustrations.

Bordure: 35 Illustrations.

Bottle: 0 Illustrations.

Bow: A tool for projecting arrows, typically made of wood or horn and string and sinew. 0 Illustrations.

Bowl: 0 Illustrations.

Bowling Pin: 0 Illustrations.

Bracer: 0 Illustrations.

Branch: 0 Illustrations.

Brazier: 0 Illustrations.

Breadloaf: 0 Illustrations.

Breast: A human breast producing drops of milk. 0 Illustrations.

Breastplate: 0 Illustrations.

Breeches: 0 Illustrations.

Bridge: A structure for traveling over a river. 0 Illustrations.

Bridle: 0 Illustrations.

Broach: 0 Illustrations.

Broad-arrow: An arrowhead with straight inner edges. 0 Illustrations.

Brogue: 0 Illustrations.

Brooch: 0 Illustrations.

Broom: 0 Illustrations.

Brush: 0 Illustrations.

Bucket: 0 Illustrations.

Buckle: 0 Illustrations.

Buffalo: 0 Illustrations.

Bull: A powerful bovine. 0 Illustrations.

Bush: A small shrubby plant. Proper coloration: brown wood, green leaves. 0 Illustrations.

Butterfly: 0 Illustrations.

Button: 0 Illustrations.

Bycocket: A hat from the late-medieval and Renaissance period. 0 Illustrations.

Cabbage: 0 Illustrations.

Caduceus: 0 Illustrations.

Calamarie: A squid. Sometimes called a "cuttle-fish," and formerly blazoned a "kraken." 0 Illustrations.

Caldera Gringolada: 0 Illustrations.

Calipers: 0 Illustrations.

Caltrop: 0 Illustrations.

Calygreyhound: 0 Illustrations.

Camail: 0 Illustrations.

Camel: 0 Illustrations.

Cameleopard: A giraffe. Sometimes spelled "cameleopard." 0 Illustrations.

Candelabrum: 0 Illustrations.

Candle: A slow-burning wax cylinder used for illumination. 0 Illustrations.

Candlestick: 0 Illustrations.

Cannon: 0 Illustrations.

Canton: Peripheral ordinary. An upper corner of the device. Typically a third of the overall width but can be as large as a half. 4 Illustrations.

Cap: 0 Illustrations.

Caravel: 0 Illustrations.

Card-Pique: A suit of playing cards, mundanely known as a "spade." Heraldically equivalent to a linden leaf. A period artifact, but not used in period armory. 0 Illustrations.

Carp: 0 Illustrations.

Carriage Frame: 0 Illustrations.

Carrot: 0 Illustrations.

Cartouche: An oval or round-ended shape. 1 Illustrations.

Castle: 0 Illustrations.

Catfish: 0 Illustrations.

Catherine Wheel: 0 Illustrations.

Cattail: 0 Illustrations.

Cauldron: 0 Illustrations.

Centaur: 0 Illustrations.

Chabot: 0 Illustrations.

Chain: 0 Illustrations.

Chaine Shot: 0 Illustrations.

Chair: 0 Illustrations.

Chalice: 0 Illustrations.

Chamber: 0 Illustrations.

Chameleon: 0 Illustrations.

Chamfron: 0 Illustrations.

Chapé: Unequal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. The central area is blazoned first, then the corners, as "tincture chapé tincture." 2 Illustrations.

Chaplet: A perennial flowering shrub known for its beauty and sharp thorns. Wreaths, chaplets, orles and bordures of roses are reserved to queens, princesses, and companions of the rose. Roses tinctured gules and argent (either doubled, quarterly, or per pale) are restricted as badges of the Tudors, and a crowned rose is restricted as an English royal badge. 0 Illustrations.

Chatloup: 0 Illustrations.

Chaussé: Unequal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. 2 Illustrations.

Checky: 5 Illustrations.

Cheese: A long-lived dairy product. 0 Illustrations.

Cherry: 0 Illustrations.

Cherub: 0 Illustrations.

Chess Piece: 0 Illustrations.

Chest: 0 Illustrations.

Chevron: 46 Illustrations.

Chevronel: Central ordinary. 8 Illustrations.

Chevronelly: Must use two contrasting tinctures. Equal field division. 11 Illustrations.

Chi-Rho: 0 Illustrations.

Chief: 26 Illustrations.

Chief-Pale: 1 Illustrations.

Chimera: 0 Illustrations.

Chisel: 0 Illustrations.

Chrysanthemum: A many-petaled flower of East Asia. 0 Illustrations.

Church: 0 Illustrations.

Churn: 0 Illustrations.

Cicada: 0 Illustrations.

Cinquefoil: A multi-lobed flower or cluster of leaves. The trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, sexfoil, and octofoil are related forms. 0 Illustrations.

Citron: 0 Illustrations.

City: A group of non-military buildings enclosed by a wall. 0 Illustrations.

Clarion: 0 Illustrations.

Claw: 0 Illustrations.

Cleaver: 0 Illustrations.

Clog: 0 Illustrations.

Close: 0 Illustrations.

Cloth: 0 Illustrations.

Cloud: 0 Illustrations.

Clove: 0 Illustrations.

Club: 0 Illustrations.

Cock: A male chicken, known in modern English as a rooster. 0 Illustrations.

Cockatrice: A hybrid monster formed of a two-legged dragon with a rooster's head. 0 Illustrations.

Cog-Wheel: 0 Illustrations.

Coif: 0 Illustrations.

Columbine: 0 Illustrations.

Column: 0 Illustrations.

Comb: A tool for tidying hair. 0 Illustrations.

Comet: A moving star with a tail, called a beard. If inverted may be blazoned a "shooting star." 0 Illustrations.

Compass: 0 Illustrations.

Compass Rose: 1 Illustrations.

Compass Star: A directional indicator for a map. May be blazoned a "mullet of four greater and four lesser points." 0 Illustrations.

Compony: 16 Illustrations.

Coney: A gentle and prolific beast. 0 Illustrations.

Coracle: A small boat with a hull made from woven wicker. 0 Illustrations.

Cormorant: 0 Illustrations.

Cornetto: 0 Illustrations.

Cornice: 0 Illustrations.

Cornucopia: 0 Illustrations.

Costrel: 0 Illustrations.

Cotised: 12 Illustrations.

Couchant: 0 Illustrations.

Coulter: 0 Illustrations.

Courant: 0 Illustrations.

Cow-Bell: 0 Illustrations.

Coxcomb: 0 Illustrations.

Crab: 0 Illustrations.

Crampet: A metal end-cap used to reinforce the end of a scabbard. 0 Illustrations.

Crampon: A piece of metal with hooks on each end used in architecture. 0 Illustrations.

Crancelin: A stylized crown formed of a sprig of common rue. Typically displayed as a bend throughout. Best known from its use in the arms of Saxony. 0 Illustrations.

Crane: 0 Illustrations.

Cranequin: 0 Illustrations.

Crayfish: 0 Illustrations.

Créquier: 0 Illustrations.

Crescent: 0 Illustrations.

Cresset: 0 Illustrations.

Cricket: 0 Illustrations.

Crocodile: 0 Illustrations.

Cronel: 0 Illustrations.

Crook: 0 Illustrations.

Cross: 28 Illustrations.

Cross (Charge): 7 Illustrations.

Crossbow: 0 Illustrations.

Crow: 0 Illustrations.

Crown: 0 Illustrations.

Crozier: 0 Illustrations.

Crucifix: 0 Illustrations.

Crusilly: 1 Illustrations.

Cucumber: 0 Illustrations.

Cuisse: 0 Illustrations.

Cup: 0 Illustrations.

Cupping Glass: 0 Illustrations.

Cushion: 0 Illustrations.

Cutlass: 0 Illustrations.

Daffodil: 0 Illustrations.

Dagger: 0 Illustrations.

Daisy: 0 Illustrations.

Dandelion: 0 Illustrations.

Dart: 0 Illustrations.

Delf: 1 Illustrations.

Dextrochère: 0 Illustrations.

Dice: A generator of random outcomes. 0 Illustrations.

Displayed: 0 Illustrations.

Distaff: 0 Illustrations.

Doe: A female deer. May also be blazoned a "hind." 0 Illustrations.

Dog: A domesticated canine. Any period breed of dog may be used. 0 Illustrations.

Dogwood: 0 Illustrations.

Dolmen: 0 Illustrations.

Dolphin: 0 Illustrations.

Domestic Cat: 0 Illustrations.

Domino: 0 Illustrations.

Door: 0 Illustrations.

Door Bolt: 0 Illustrations.

Dove: 0 Illustrations.

Dovecote: 0 Illustrations.

Dovetailed: 7 Illustrations.

Dragon: A mythical fire-breathing lizard. 0 Illustrations.

Dragonfly: 0 Illustrations.

Drakkar: 0 Illustrations.

Drawbridge: 0 Illustrations.

Drawknife: 0 Illustrations.

Drill: 0 Illustrations.

Drinking Horn: 0 Illustrations.

Drum: A percussion instrument. 0 Illustrations.

Drumstick: 0 Illustrations.

Duck: A small waterfowl. 0 Illustrations.

Dulcimer: 0 Illustrations.

Eagle: A mighty bird. 0 Illustrations.

Ear: 0 Illustrations.

Eel: 0 Illustrations.

Eel Basket: 0 Illustrations.

Eel-Fork: 0 Illustrations.

Egg: 0 Illustrations.

Eggplant: 0 Illustrations.

Elbow Guard: 0 Illustrations.

Elder: A branch of a tree grown for its small fruits, known as elderberries. 0 Illustrations.

Elderflower: 0 Illustrations.

Elephant: 0 Illustrations.

Elk: The largest member of the deer family, distinguished by its flat palmate antlers. Known in North America as a "moose." 0 Illustrations.

Embattled: Conflicts with other “square” lines. Complex line resembling the crenellations atop a castle wall. 30 Illustrations.

Enfield: 0 Illustrations.

Engrailed: 13 Illustrations.

Erect: 0 Illustrations.

Ermine: Standard ermine was used routinely in period armory, while other color combinations were rare. Fur formed from a semy of ermine spots. Two contrasting tinctures. Blazoned "ermine" for sable spots on argent, "counter-ermine" for argent spots on sable, "erminois" for sable spots on Or, and "pean" for Or spots on sable. Any other combination is blazoned "tincture ermined tincture."€ 2 Illustrations.

Ermine Spot: 1 Illustrations.

Escallop: 0 Illustrations.

Escarbuncle: 0 Illustrations.

Escroll: A small piece of parchment, which always appears with another charge piercing it. 0 Illustrations.

Escutcheon: 0 Illustrations.

Estencelly: 1 Illustrations.

Estoile: 0 Illustrations.

Eye: 0 Illustrations.

Eyeglasses: 0 Illustrations.

Falchion: 0 Illustrations.

Falcon: A bird of prey. May also be blazoned a "hawk." 0 Illustrations.

Fan: 0 Illustrations.

Fang: 0 Illustrations.

Fasces: 0 Illustrations.

Feather: 0 Illustrations.

Fence: A barrier made of woven twigs. May also be blazoned a "weir." 0 Illustrations.

Fer-a-loup: A curved piece of metal with a loop, used as an anchor for a wolf trap. In German heraldry it was also known as a "Wolfsangel," although that name can also refer to the hook that would be attached and baited, which we would blazon a crampon. 0 Illustrations.

Fess: 28 Illustrations.

Fetterlock: 0 Illustrations.

Fig: 0 Illustrations.

Fillet: 1 Illustrations.

Fimbriated: Central ordinary. 3 Illustrations.

Fireball: 0 Illustrations.

Firebird: 0 Illustrations.

Firebrand: 0 Illustrations.

Fish: 0 Illustrations.

Fishhook: 0 Illustrations.

Fist: 0 Illustrations.

Flail: 0 Illustrations.

Flame: 0 Illustrations.

Flamingo: 0 Illustrations.

Flask: 0 Illustrations.

Flaunch: Peripheral ordinary. Always appear together as a pair. May be charged. 3 Illustrations.

Flax: 0 Illustrations.

Fleam: 0 Illustrations.

Fleece: 0 Illustrations.

Fleshpot: 0 Illustrations.

Fleur de Lys: 0 Illustrations.

Flint: 0 Illustrations.

Float: 0 Illustrations.

Flory: 7 Illustrations.

Flower: 0 Illustrations.

Flute: 0 Illustrations.

Foil: 0 Illustrations.

Fool: 0 Illustrations.

Foot: 0 Illustrations.

Footprint: 0 Illustrations.

Forget-Me-Not: 0 Illustrations.

Fork: 0 Illustrations.

Fountain: 0 Illustrations.

Fox: 0 Illustrations.

Foxglove: 0 Illustrations.

Frauenadler: 0 Illustrations.

Fret: A lattice of interlaced bends and bends sinister. 1 Illustrations.

Fretted: 2 Illustrations.

Fretty: Underlying field blazoned first, as “tincture fretty tincture .” Charge that resembles a field treatment. Must have contrast with underlying field. Charges that overlay it must also have contrast with the underlying field. 4 Illustrations.

Frog: A leaping amphibian. 0 Illustrations.

Funnel: 0 Illustrations.

Furison: 0 Illustrations.

Fylfot: 1 Illustrations.

Game Board: 0 Illustrations.

Garb: A grain, typically used to make flour for bread. 0 Illustrations.

Garlic: 0 Illustrations.

Garter: 0 Illustrations.

Gate: A moveable barrier. Drawn as a set of planks nailed together. 0 Illustrations.

Gauntlet: 0 Illustrations.

Gemstone: A precious stone, cut in a traditional fashion. 0 Illustrations.

Genet: 0 Illustrations.

Geranium: 0 Illustrations.

Gillyflower: 0 Illustrations.

Giraffe: A giraffe. Sometimes spelled "cameleopard." 0 Illustrations.

Glaive: 0 Illustrations.

Glissant: 0 Illustrations.

Glove: 0 Illustrations.

Goat: A wild mountainous cousin of the sheep. 0 Illustrations.

Goats Foot Lever: 0 Illustrations.

Goblet: 0 Illustrations.

Goldfish: 0 Illustrations.

Golf Club: 0 Illustrations.

Gondola: 0 Illustrations.

Gonfalon: 0 Illustrations.

Goose: 0 Illustrations.

Gore: Use of both a gore and a gore sinister, or use of a charged gore, would be considered a step from period practice (SFPP). Peripheral ordinary. 3 Illustrations.

Gorgon: 0 Illustrations.

Gorilla: 0 Illustrations.

Gourd: 0 Illustrations.

Goutte: A drop of fluid. Sometimes spelled "gout." 0 Illustrations.

Goutty: 1 Illustrations.

Grape: A woody vine grown for thousands of years to harvest its berries. 0 Illustrations.

Grappling Iron: A device similar to an anchor, but with additional hooks, used with a rope to drag or catch something. 0 Illustrations.

Grass: 0 Illustrations.

Grasshopper: 0 Illustrations.

Grater: 0 Illustrations.

Grenade: 0 Illustrations.

Gridiron: 0 Illustrations.

Griffin: 0 Illustrations.

Grillage: Rare in period armory. Underlying field blazoned first, as “tincture grillage tincture .” Charges that overlay it must also have contrast with the underlying field. Charge that resembles a field treatment. Must have contrast with underlying field. 3 Illustrations.

Grindstone: 0 Illustrations.

Grozing Iron: A tool for trimming the edges of pieces of glass. 0 Illustrations.

Gurges: A whirlpool. 0 Illustrations.

Gusset: Peripheral ordinary. A straight-line variant of the gore. Appears on dexter side unless blazoned a "gusset sinister;" frequently both are included, and blazoned "two gussets."€ Use of a charged gusset would be considered a step from period practice (SFPP). 3 Illustrations.

Gyron: 1 Illustrations.

Gyronny: 29 Illustrations.

Hair Pin: 0 Illustrations.

Halberd: 0 Illustrations.

Ham: 0 Illustrations.

Hames: 0 Illustrations.

Hammer: 0 Illustrations.

Hand: 0 Illustrations.

Handgun Rest: 0 Illustrations.

Hare: A gentle and prolific beast. 0 Illustrations.

Harp: 0 Illustrations.

Harpoon: 0 Illustrations.

Harpy: A hybrid monster formed of a vulture with the head (and sometimes the torso) of a woman. 0 Illustrations.

Harrow: 0 Illustrations.

Hat: 0 Illustrations.

Haurient: 0 Illustrations.

Hautboy: 0 Illustrations.

Hawk: A bird of prey. 0 Illustrations.

Hay House: 0 Illustrations.

Hayfork: 0 Illustrations.

Hazel: 0 Illustrations.

Heart: 0 Illustrations.

Heather: 0 Illustrations.

Heckle: 0 Illustrations.

Hedgehog: 0 Illustrations.

Helm: 0 Illustrations.

Hemp: A fast-growing plant traditionally cultivated as a source of fiber. 0 Illustrations.

Hempbreak: 0 Illustrations.

Hen: 0 Illustrations.

Hercules: 0 Illustrations.

Heron: 0 Illustrations.

Herse: 0 Illustrations.

Hide: 0 Illustrations.

Hod: 0 Illustrations.

Hoe: 0 Illustrations.

Holly: 0 Illustrations.

Hood: 0 Illustrations.

Hook: 0 Illustrations.

Hop: 0 Illustrations.

Horn: 0 Illustrations.

Horse: 0 Illustrations.

Horseshoe: 0 Illustrations.

Hose: 0 Illustrations.

Hound Couple: 0 Illustrations.

Hourglass: 0 Illustrations.

House: 0 Illustrations.

Human: 0 Illustrations.

Hummingbird: A swift bird. As a new-world creature, considered a Step From Period Practice (SFPP). 0 Illustrations.

Hunting Horn: An animal's horn, adapted to make a loud sound. May be pictured hanging from a loop of rope, or with the encircling bands tinctured differently. 0 Illustrations.

Hurst: 0 Illustrations.

Hydra: 0 Illustrations.

Hyena: 0 Illustrations.

Ibex: 0 Illustrations.

Icosahedron: 0 Illustrations.

Indented: 31 Illustrations.

Inkhorn: 0 Illustrations.

Interlaced: 0 Illustrations.

Invected: 10 Illustrations.

Involved: 0 Illustrations.

Ivy: An evergreen woody vine which climbs or creeps over its surroundings. 0 Illustrations.

Jambe: 0 Illustrations.

Janus: 0 Illustrations.

Jasmine: The fragrant blossom of the jasmine vine. Most plants in the jasmine family originated in southern Asia, but several varieties were brought to Europe before 1600. No proper coloration; in nature they're most often seen as white flowers on green vines, but other colors are also found. 0 Illustrations.

Jawbone: 0 Illustrations.

Joscelyn: 0 Illustrations.

Juniper: 0 Illustrations.

Kettle Hook: 0 Illustrations.

Key: A means of releasing a lock. 0 Illustrations.

Keystone: 0 Illustrations.

Keythong: 0 Illustrations.

Knife: 0 Illustrations.

Knight: 0 Illustrations.

Knot: 0 Illustrations.

Kraken: A squid. Sometimes called a "cuttle-fish," and formerly blazoned a "kraken." 0 Illustrations.

Label: A strap with hanging points. 0 Illustrations.

Labyrinth: 0 Illustrations.

Ladder: 0 Illustrations.

Ladle: 0 Illustrations.

Lady's Mantle: 0 Illustrations.

Ladybird: 0 Illustrations.

Lamb: 0 Illustrations.

Lamia: 0 Illustrations.

Lamp: A container of oil which is lit to provide illumination. 0 Illustrations.

Lance: A solid wooden shaft used for jousting. 0 Illustrations.

Lantern: A housing to protect a candle from the wind. 0 Illustrations.

Lauburu: 0 Illustrations.

Laurel: 0 Illustrations.

Leaf: 0 Illustrations.

Leek: 0 Illustrations.

Leg: 0 Illustrations.

Lemon: 0 Illustrations.

Leopard: 0 Illustrations.

Lettuce: 0 Illustrations.

Level: 0 Illustrations.

Lighthouse: A signal tower used to guide ships into a harbor. 0 Illustrations.

Lightning: 0 Illustrations.

Lilac: 0 Illustrations.

Lily: 0 Illustrations.

Linden: 0 Illustrations.

Lion: A fierce cat known as the King of Beasts. 0 Illustrations.

Lizard: 0 Illustrations.

Llama: 0 Illustrations.

Lobster: 0 Illustrations.

Lock Plate: 0 Illustrations.

Lotus: A bowl-shaped floating aquatic flower associated with serenity and detachment. 0 Illustrations.

Lozenge: 0 Illustrations.

Lozengy: 10 Illustrations.

Lucet: 0 Illustrations.

Lucy: A slender carnivorous fish. Also blazoned a "pike." 0 Illustrations.

Lure: 0 Illustrations.

Lute: 0 Illustrations.

Lymphad: 0 Illustrations.

Lynx: A wildcat with a short tail and tufted ears. 0 Illustrations.

Lyre: 0 Illustrations.

Mace: 0 Illustrations.

Magnolia: 0 Illustrations.

Magpie: 0 Illustrations.

Mail: 0 Illustrations.

Mailly: Field treatment. Must use two contrasting tinctures. Background blazoned first, as "tincture mailly tincture."€ 0 Illustrations.

Mallet: 0 Illustrations.

Mallow: 0 Illustrations.

Man: 0 Illustrations.

Manatee: 0 Illustrations.

Mandrake: 0 Illustrations.

Manticore: 0 Illustrations.

Mantis: 0 Illustrations.

Mantle: 0 Illustrations.

Maple: 0 Illustrations.

Marigold: 0 Illustrations.

Mariner's Compass: 0 Illustrations.

Martlet: A stylized bird, perhaps originally related to the swallow, now defined by its lack of legs, as myth suggests it never lands. 0 Illustrations.

Mascle: 0 Illustrations.

Masculyn: 0 Illustrations.

Mash Rake: 0 Illustrations.

Mask: 0 Illustrations.

Masoned: Field treatment. Must use two contrasting tinctures. Background blazoned first, as "tincture masoned tincture." Very rare in period armory. 3 Illustrations.

Massacre: 0 Illustrations.

Mattock: 0 Illustrations.

Maunch: 0 Illustrations.

Meat: 0 Illustrations.

Melusine: 0 Illustrations.

Menorah: 0 Illustrations.

Merlette: 0 Illustrations.

Mermaid: 0 Illustrations.

Merman: 0 Illustrations.

Migrant: 0 Illustrations.

Mill: 0 Illustrations.

Millrind: A fastener plate for a millstone. 0 Illustrations.

Millstone: 0 Illustrations.

Minotaur: 0 Illustrations.

Mirror: A reflective surface used to view oneself. 0 Illustrations.

Mistral: 0 Illustrations.

Mitre: 0 Illustrations.

Mitsutomoe: 0 Illustrations.

Mitten: 0 Illustrations.

Mjolnir: A stylized hammer associated with the Norse thunder god. 0 Illustrations.

Mole: 0 Illustrations.

Monk: 0 Illustrations.

Monkey: 0 Illustrations.

Moon: The closest of the heavenly bodies. 0 Illustrations.

Moor: An African man. 0 Illustrations.

Moorcock: 0 Illustrations.

Moose: The largest member of the deer family, distinguished by its flat palmate antlers. Known in North America as a "moose." 0 Illustrations.

Morion: 0 Illustrations.

Mortar: 0 Illustrations.

Mosaic Tablets: 0 Illustrations.

Moth: 0 Illustrations.

Mount: 0 Illustrations.

Mountain: 0 Illustrations.

Mouse: 0 Illustrations.

Moustache: 0 Illustrations.

Mullet: 0 Illustrations.

Mullety: 1 Illustrations.

Mushroom: 0 Illustrations.

Musical Clef: A marker placed on the staff of printed music to indicate the position of the notes. 0 Illustrations.

Musical Note: A symbol used to mark the the pitch and timing of a musical note. 0 Illustrations.

Musimon: 0 Illustrations.

Musket: 0 Illustrations.

Naiant: 0 Illustrations.

Nail: 0 Illustrations.

Nailpuller: 0 Illustrations.

Nebuly: Conflicts with other “wavy” lines. Complex line with meandering curve. Said to resemble a cloud. 17 Illustrations.

Needle: 0 Illustrations.

Nesselblatt: 0 Illustrations.

Niddy-Noddy: 0 Illustrations.

Nowy: Central ordinary. 5 Illustrations.

Nut: An arboreal rodent known for collecting nuts. 0 Illustrations.

Oak: 0 Illustrations.

Oar: 0 Illustrations.

Oarlock: 0 Illustrations.

Obelisk: 0 Illustrations.

Octofoil: 0 Illustrations.

Octopus: 0 Illustrations.

Olive: 0 Illustrations.

Ombrellino: 0 Illustrations.

Onion: 0 Illustrations.

Opossum: 0 Illustrations.

Orange: 0 Illustrations.

Orb: A globe with a cross mounted to the top. Used in period as a symbol of royal authority over the earth. 0 Illustrations.

Organ Pipe: 0 Illustrations.

Orle: 5 Illustrations.

Orly: Equal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. This division has not been registered in the Society and may require additional documentation. 1 Illustrations.

Ostrich: 0 Illustrations.

Otter: 0 Illustrations.

Ounce: 0 Illustrations.

Oven: 0 Illustrations.

Owl: 0 Illustrations.

Padlock: 0 Illustrations.

Paintbrush: 0 Illustrations.

Pale: 18 Illustrations.

Palette: 0 Illustrations.

Pall: 14 Illustrations.

Pallet: Central ordinary. 3 Illustrations.

Palm: 0 Illustrations.

Paly: Equal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. 17 Illustrations.

Pan: 0 Illustrations.

Panache: 0 Illustrations.

Panpipe: 0 Illustrations.

Panther: 0 Illustrations.

Papellony: Very rare in period armory. Term is French, suggesting the scales of a butterfly wing. See also the papellony field treatment, which is blazoned “tincture papellony tincture.” Neutral fur, related to vair. Two contrasting tinctures. Blazoned “papellony tincture and tincture.” 5 Illustrations.

Park Pales: 0 Illustrations.

Parted: 9 Illustrations.

Partisan: 0 Illustrations.

Party Of Six: 1 Illustrations.

Passant: 0 Illustrations.

Paternoster: 0 Illustrations.

Pauldron: 0 Illustrations.

Pavilion: A portable dwelling constructed of poles and fabric. 0 Illustrations.

Pawprint: 0 Illustrations.

Pea: 0 Illustrations.

Peacock: 0 Illustrations.

Pear: The pear tree has been cultivated for thousands of years for its fruit. 0 Illustrations.

Peel: 0 Illustrations.

Pegasus: 0 Illustrations.

Pelican: A fish-eating sea bird. In myth, it would pierce it's own breast to save the lives of its offspring. 0 Illustrations.

Pen: 0 Illustrations.

Penbox: 0 Illustrations.

Penguin: 0 Illustrations.

Penner: 0 Illustrations.

Pennon: 0 Illustrations.

Peony: 0 Illustrations.

Pepper: 0 Illustrations.

Per Bend: 22 Illustrations.

Per Chevron: Equal field division. 32 Illustrations.

Per Fess: 27 Illustrations.

Per Pale: 28 Illustrations.

Per Pall: Threefold field division. One tincture must have good contrast with its neighbors. 4 Illustrations.

Per Saltire: Equal field division. 6 Illustrations.

Peruke: 0 Illustrations.

Pestle: 0 Illustrations.

Petronel: 0 Illustrations.

Pheasant: 0 Illustrations.

Pheon: 0 Illustrations.

Phial: 0 Illustrations.

Phoenix: 0 Illustrations.

Pick: 0 Illustrations.

Pile: 14 Illustrations.

Pily: Equal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. 5 Illustrations.

Pine: A conifer tree. 0 Illustrations.

Pineapple: 0 Illustrations.

Pitcher: 0 Illustrations.

Pitchfork: 0 Illustrations.

Pithon: 0 Illustrations.

Plane: 0 Illustrations.

Platter: 0 Illustrations.

Pliers: 0 Illustrations.

Plow: 0 Illustrations.

Plowshare: 0 Illustrations.

Ployé: 37 Illustrations.

Plumetty: Term is French, suggesting feathers. See also the plumetty field treatment, which is blazoned “tincture plumetty tincture .” Neutral fur, related to vair. Two contrasting tinctures. Blazoned “plumetty tincture and tincture.” 3 Illustrations.

Plummet: 0 Illustrations.

Point: Peripheral ordinary. 0 Illustrations.

Pole Axe: 0 Illustrations.

Pole-Cannon: 0 Illustrations.

Polo Stick: 0 Illustrations.

Polygon: 1 Illustrations.

Polypus: 0 Illustrations.

Pomegranate: A many-seeded fruit. 0 Illustrations.

Pommel: 0 Illustrations.

Poplar: 0 Illustrations.

Poppinjay: 0 Illustrations.

Poppy: The poppy plant is the source of opium, harvested from the bolls that form after the flower is fertilized. 0 Illustrations.

Porcupine: 0 Illustrations.

Porphyrio: 0 Illustrations.

Portcullis: 0 Illustrations.

Pot: 0 Illustrations.

Potent: 4 Illustrations.

Potenty: 7 Illustrations.

Pouch: 0 Illustrations.

Prawn: 0 Illustrations.

Press: 0 Illustrations.

Pruning Hook: 0 Illustrations.

Pruning Knife: 0 Illustrations.

Psaltery: 0 Illustrations.

Puffin: 0 Illustrations.

Pumpkin: 0 Illustrations.

Punner: 0 Illustrations.

Quadrant: 0 Illustrations.

Quarterly: Equal field division. 5 Illustrations.

Quatrefoil: A multi-lobed flower or cluster of leaves. The trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, sexfoil, and octofoil are related forms. 0 Illustrations.

Quatrefoil (Shape): 0 Illustrations.

Quill: 0 Illustrations.

Quince: 0 Illustrations.

Quintain: 0 Illustrations.

Quiver: 0 Illustrations.

Quoin: 0 Illustrations.

Rabbit: A gentle and prolific beast. 0 Illustrations.

Rackett: 0 Illustrations.

Racoon: 0 Illustrations.

Radish: A hardy root vegetable. 0 Illustrations.

Raguly: 12 Illustrations.

Rail: 0 Illustrations.

Rainbow: A colorful arc appearing in the sky after rain. 0 Illustrations.

Rake: A gardening tool. 0 Illustrations.

Ram: 0 Illustrations.

Rampant: 0 Illustrations.

Rapier: 0 Illustrations.

Rat: 0 Illustrations.

Raven: A corvid, like the crow, but typically drawn with "rough" or "hairy" feathers. 0 Illustrations.

Ray: 0 Illustrations.

Rayonny: 11 Illustrations.

Razor: 0 Illustrations.

Recorder: 0 Illustrations.

Reindeer: A northern member of the deer family, domesticated by the Sami. Known in North America as a "caribou." 0 Illustrations.

Reremouse: 0 Illustrations.

Retort: 0 Illustrations.

Rhinoceros: 0 Illustrations.

Ring: 0 Illustrations.

Rising: 0 Illustrations.

Robin: 0 Illustrations.

Rock Face: 0 Illustrations.

Rocket: 0 Illustrations.

Rod: 0 Illustrations.

Rod of Asclepius: 0 Illustrations.

Rogacina: A symbol found in Polish heraldry. 0 Illustrations.

Rope: 0 Illustrations.

Rose: 0 Illustrations.

Roundel: Used routinely in period armory. Blazoned “platy” for argent, “bezanty” for Or, “hurt” for azure, “semy of torteaux” for gules, “pellety” for sable, “pommy” for vert, and “golpy” for purpure. Semy of circular charges. 2 Illustrations.

Rowan: 0 Illustrations.

Rowboat: 0 Illustrations.

Royne: 0 Illustrations.

Rudder: 0 Illustrations.

Rue: A shrub in the citrus family with medicinal properties. Said to provide spiritual protection, it was used to sprinkle holy water on Sundays, and called the "herb of grace." 0 Illustrations.

Rustre: 0 Illustrations.

Saddle: 0 Illustrations.

Sail: 0 Illustrations.

Salamander: 0 Illustrations.

Salient: 0 Illustrations.

Salmon Spear: 0 Illustrations.

Salt Barrel: 0 Illustrations.

Saltcellar: 0 Illustrations.

Saltire: 6 Illustrations.

Saltorel: Couped ordinary. 3 Illustrations.

Saracen: 0 Illustrations.

Sausage: 0 Illustrations.

Savage: 0 Illustrations.

Saw: A cutting tool for wood with an indented-edged blade. 0 Illustrations.

Scabbard: 0 Illustrations.

Scaling Ladder: 0 Illustrations.

Scaly: Field treatment. Must use two contrasting tinctures. Background blazoned first, as "tincture scaly tincture." See also the related papellony neutral fur. Very rare in period armory. 3 Illustrations.

Scarf: 0 Illustrations.

Scarpe: Central ordinary. Diminutive of the bend sinister. 4 Illustrations.

Schnecke: A snail. A spiral issuant from an edge of the field that makes between one and two turns as it reaches the center. Seen in period German heraldry. 0 Illustrations.

Scimitar: 0 Illustrations.

Scissors: 0 Illustrations.

Scoop: 0 Illustrations.

Scorpion: 0 Illustrations.

Scourge: 0 Illustrations.

Scrip: 0 Illustrations.

Scroll: 0 Illustrations.

Scythe: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Bear: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Boar: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Dog: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Dragon: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Fox: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Goat: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Horse: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Lion: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Monster: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Otter: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Serpent: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Tortoise: 0 Illustrations.

Sea-Wolf: 0 Illustrations.

Seeblatt: 0 Illustrations.

Sejant: 0 Illustrations.

Semy: 6 Illustrations.

Sepulcher Stone: 0 Illustrations.

Seraph: 0 Illustrations.

Serpent: 0 Illustrations.

Sexfoil: A multi-lobed flower or cluster of leaves. The trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, sexfoil, and octofoil are related forms. 0 Illustrations.

Shackle: 0 Illustrations.

Shakefork: Couped ordinary. 1 Illustrations.

Shamrock: 0 Illustrations.

Shark: 0 Illustrations.

Shave: 0 Illustrations.

Shavehook: 0 Illustrations.

Sheaf: 0 Illustrations.

Shears: 0 Illustrations.

Sheep: 0 Illustrations.

Shell: 0 Illustrations.

Shield: A portable defensive barrier for use in combat. 0 Illustrations.

Shirt: 0 Illustrations.

Shoe: 0 Illustrations.

Shofar: 0 Illustrations.

Shovel: 0 Illustrations.

Shrew: 0 Illustrations.

Shrimp: 0 Illustrations.

Shuttle: 0 Illustrations.

Sickle: 0 Illustrations.

Siege Tower: 0 Illustrations.

Sieve: 0 Illustrations.

Simurgh: 0 Illustrations.

Skeleton: 0 Illustrations.

Skimmer: 0 Illustrations.

Skull: 0 Illustrations.

Skunk: 0 Illustrations.

Sledge: 0 Illustrations.

Sling: 0 Illustrations.

Slip: 0 Illustrations.

Slug: 0 Illustrations.

Smoking Pipe: 0 Illustrations.

Snaffle-Bit: 0 Illustrations.

Snail: 0 Illustrations.

Snake: 0 Illustrations.

Snowflake: 0 Illustrations.

Soldering Iron: 0 Illustrations.

Sole: 0 Illustrations.

Solleret: 0 Illustrations.

Sow: 0 Illustrations.

Spade: 0 Illustrations.

Spanning Hook: 0 Illustrations.

Spanning Iron: 0 Illustrations.

Spatula: 0 Illustrations.

Spear: 0 Illustrations.

Sphinx: 0 Illustrations.

Spider: A small hunting arthropod, known for spinning webs. 0 Illustrations.

Spiderweb: A spiral orb web spun by a spider to trap pray. 0 Illustrations.

Spindle: 0 Illustrations.

Spiral: 0 Illustrations.

Spit: 0 Illustrations.

Spool: 0 Illustrations.

Spoon: 0 Illustrations.

Sprig: 0 Illustrations.

Spur: A boot attachment for prodding a horse. May be drawn without the leather strap. 0 Illustrations.

Spur-Rowel: 0 Illustrations.

Square: 0 Illustrations.

Squid: A squid. Sometimes called a "cuttle-fish," and formerly blazoned a "kraken." 0 Illustrations.

Squirrel: An arboreal rodent known for collecting nuts. 0 Illustrations.

Staff: 0 Illustrations.

Stag: 0 Illustrations.

Stag Beetle: A horned insect. 0 Illustrations.

Staircase: 0 Illustrations.

Stalk: A grain, typically used to make flour for bread. 0 Illustrations.

Standard: 0 Illustrations.

Staple: 0 Illustrations.

Star of David: A star of six points, formed from two equilateral triangles voided and braced. 0 Illustrations.

Star-of-Bethlehem: 0 Illustrations.

Statant: 0 Illustrations.

Stilts: 0 Illustrations.

Stirrup: 0 Illustrations.

Stoat: 0 Illustrations.

Stockfish: 0 Illustrations.

Stone: 0 Illustrations.

Stool: 0 Illustrations.

Stork: 0 Illustrations.

Strawberry: A juicy berry. Although the modern garden strawberry dates from the 18th century, the wild woodland strawberry, which has smaller fruits, has been consumed for thousands of years and was cultivated in medieval Europe. 0 Illustrations.

Stream: A small body of flowing water. Depicted in a naturalistic style. Found in Italian armory. 0 Illustrations.

Streitgabelklinge: 0 Illustrations.

Strike: 0 Illustrations.

Striking: 0 Illustrations.

Strongbox: 0 Illustrations.

Sun: 0 Illustrations.

Sunburst: 0 Illustrations.

Sunflower: 0 Illustrations.

Swallow: 0 Illustrations.

Swan: A fierce waterfowl, resembling an unusually large and long-necked duck. 0 Illustrations.

Sword: 0 Illustrations.

T’ai-chi: 0 Illustrations.

Tabacco: 0 Illustrations.

Table: 0 Illustrations.

Table-Trestle: 0 Illustrations.

Tablet: 0 Illustrations.

Tackle Block: 0 Illustrations.

Tail: 0 Illustrations.

Tambourine: 0 Illustrations.

Tankard: 0 Illustrations.

Tassel: 0 Illustrations.

Tergiant: 0 Illustrations.

Terrestrial Sphere: 0 Illustrations.

Testicles: 0 Illustrations.

Thimble: 0 Illustrations.

Thistle: 0 Illustrations.

Thorns: No proper coloration. 0 Illustrations.

Thread: 0 Illustrations.

Thunderbolt: 0 Illustrations.

Thyrsus: 0 Illustrations.

Tierce: Peripheral ordinary. 1 Illustrations.

Tiercefeuille: 0 Illustrations.

Tiger: A great cat of Asia, also blazoned a "Bengal tiger," as opposed to the heraldic "tyger." Considered a step from period practice (SFPP). 0 Illustrations.

Titmouse: 0 Illustrations.

Toad: 0 Illustrations.

Torc: A necklace made of twisted wires. Also spelled "torque." 0 Illustrations.

Torch: 0 Illustrations.

Torii: 0 Illustrations.

Torse: A ring of twisted fabric worn around the brow or atop a helm. No proper coloration. Typically of two contrasting tinctures twisted together in alternating bands. 0 Illustrations.

Tortoise: 0 Illustrations.

Toungue: 0 Illustrations.

Tower: 0 Illustrations.

Trammel Hook: 0 Illustrations.

Tree: 0 Illustrations.

Trefly: Complex line with a series of alternating trefoils. 3 Illustrations.

Trefly (seme of Trefoils): Used routinely in period armory. Semy of trefoils. 2 Illustrations.

Trefoil: 0 Illustrations.

Tress: 0 Illustrations.

Tressure: Peripheral ordinary. Diminutive of the orle. 1 Illustrations.

Triangle: An equilateral polygon. 0 Illustrations.

Trident: 0 Illustrations.

Trillium: A new-world flower. Not attested in period armory. Had previously been a step from period practice but now accepted as similar to the period Tiercefeuille. 0 Illustrations.

Tripod: 0 Illustrations.

Triquetra: A stylized knot. 0 Illustrations.

Trireme: 0 Illustrations.

Triskele: 0 Illustrations.

Triskelion: 0 Illustrations.

Triton: 0 Illustrations.

Trivet: 0 Illustrations.

Trout: 0 Illustrations.

Trowel: 0 Illustrations.

Trumpet: 0 Illustrations.

Truncheon: 0 Illustrations.

Trunk: 0 Illustrations.

Truss: 0 Illustrations.

Tub: 0 Illustrations.

Tulip: A spring-blooming flower that grows from a bulb. 0 Illustrations.

Tunic: 0 Illustrations.

Turbot: 0 Illustrations.

Turkeycock: 0 Illustrations.

Turning Cratch: 0 Illustrations.

Turnip: 0 Illustrations.

Tusk: 0 Illustrations.

Tyger: 0 Illustrations.

Umebachi: 0 Illustrations.

Unicorn: A mythical horse-like creature with a beard and a single horn. 0 Illustrations.

Urdy: 9 Illustrations.

Urinal: 0 Illustrations.

Vair: Neutral fur. Tinctured argent and azure, unless explicitly blazoned as “alternate vairy tincture and tincture” with any two contrasting tinctures. 10 Illustrations.

Vair Bell: A single instance of the shape used to create vair fur. No longer registrable as a separate charge as of April 2010. 0 Illustrations.

Valknut: 0 Illustrations.

Vase: 0 Illustrations.

Vegetable Lamb: 0 Illustrations.

Veil: 0 Illustrations.

Vêtu: Unequal field division. Must use two contrasting tinctures. The central area is blazoned first, then the corners, as "tincture vêtu tincture." Term is French, suggesting the corners are "vested." Corners are typically not charged. Issues from sides of device and reaches the center chief and center base. 2 Illustrations.

Viking: 0 Illustrations.

Vine: 0 Illustrations.

Viol: 0 Illustrations.

Violet: 0 Illustrations.

Violin: 0 Illustrations.

Voided: 0 Illustrations.

Vol: Two wings joined to each other, with wingtips to chief. 0 Illustrations.

Volant: 0 Illustrations.

Wagon: 0 Illustrations.

Wall: 0 Illustrations.

Walrus: 0 Illustrations.

War Hammer: 0 Illustrations.

War Wagon: 0 Illustrations.

Wasp: 0 Illustrations.

Watchtower: 0 Illustrations.

Water-Bouget: A stylized depiction of a pair of water bags tied to a carrying harness. 0 Illustrations.

Water-Wheel: A wheel with paddles around the edge that can be driven by a current. 0 Illustrations.

Wavy: Also blazoned “undy.” Conflicts with other “wavy” lines. Complex line with a sine-wave or alternating semicircular profile. 52 Illustrations.

Weight: A small lump of metal of a known mass, used when balancing scales to weigh something. 0 Illustrations.

Weinleiter: 0 Illustrations.

Well: 0 Illustrations.

Well Frame: 0 Illustrations.

Whale: 0 Illustrations.

Wheat: A grain, typically used to make flour for bread. 0 Illustrations.

Wheel: 0 Illustrations.

Whelk: 0 Illustrations.

Whirligig: 0 Illustrations.

Whistle: 0 Illustrations.

Wildcat: 0 Illustrations.

Willow: 0 Illustrations.

Wind: 0 Illustrations.

Winde: 0 Illustrations.

Windmill: A machine for grinding grain with windpower. 0 Illustrations.

Window: 0 Illustrations.

Wing: 0 Illustrations.

Wolf: 2 Illustrations.

Wolverine: 0 Illustrations.

Wolves’ Teeth: Blazoned "three wolves' teeth issuant from side." May have three or four teeth, and may issue from dexter, sinister, base, all of which must be explicitly blazoned. May also issue from chief, but this would be considered a Step From Period Practice (SFPP). Teeth must meet at or near the edge of the field, or come close to doing so, and must come close to the center of the field but not cross it. 0 Illustrations.

Woman: 0 Illustrations.

Wood Cock: 0 Illustrations.

Wool Card: 0 Illustrations.

Wool Comb: 0 Illustrations.

Wool-Pack: 0 Illustrations.

Wound: 0 Illustrations.

Wreath: 0 Illustrations.

Wyvern: A two-legged dragon. 0 Illustrations.

Yale: 0 Illustrations.

Yarn: 0 Illustrations.

Yarn Swift: 0 Illustrations.

Yoke: 0 Illustrations.

Zephyr: 0 Illustrations.

Zill: 0 Illustrations.

Zither: 0 Illustrations.

Ziz: 0 Illustrations.

Zule: 0 Illustrations.

Zydrach: 0 Illustrations.