
Standard ermine was used routinely in period armory, while other color combinations were rare. Fur formed from a semy of ermine spots. Two contrasting tinctures. Blazoned "ermine" for sable spots on argent, "counter-ermine" for argent spots on sable, "erminois" for sable spots on Or, and "pean" for Or spots on sable. Any other combination is blazoned "tincture ermined tincture."€

No default posture.
No default orientation.
No default tincture.

See also: Ermine in Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry.

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Ermine (1)

Standard ermine was used routinely in period armory, while other color combinations were rare.


Source: Book of Traceable Heraldic Art. Artist: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Ermine (4)

Standard ermine was used routinely in period armory, while other color combinations were rare.


Source: Book of Traceable Heraldic Art. Artist: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin.

Ermine (1)
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Ermine (1)
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Ermine (4)
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Ermine (4)
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