
The Book of Traceable Heraldic Art is a compilation of armorial illustrations intended to facilitate SCA device and badge design. There are currently 747 illustrations grouped under 1020 headings, and more are being added on a regular basis.

Indices: Concise Index, Alphabetical Index, Browse by Volume, Search

Creators: Browse By Source, Browse By Artist, About the Sources

About: Preface, Terms of Use, Build Code, Contributing Art

The Editor: Meet the Editor , Acknowledgements, Project Blog , Contact Me

Compendia: Visual Catalog (311 pages, 106MB PDF), Print Edition (5,141 pages, 635MB PDF)

Image Files: High-res PNGs (820MB Zip), Vector SVGs (114MB Zip), Vector PDFs (117MB Zip)

Field Shapes: Escutcheon Outlines, Alternate Throughout Shapes, Flag Construction

Accessories: Mantling & Helms, Achievement Elements, Lettering

Supplements: Doodle Sheets, Layout Guides, Display Worksheets

Work In Progress: Visual Reference, Consultation Posters, Diapering

Reference Tables: Default Postures and Orientations, Proper Tinctures

Cautionary Notes: Steps from Core Practice, Problematic Items, Unregistrable Items

Concise Index
